Curriculum Overview
Right through their time at the Academy, students will continue to develop their skills in mathematics. We build extensively on students’ learning from the primary setting and ensure progression is at the heart of our curriculum. We work closely as a team to ensure that students develop their interest in maths beyond the scope of a terminal assessment process. We mirror the principles and content from the National Curriculum whilst stretching and challenging our students to attain and achieve the best they can.
The study of mathematics provides a foundation for understanding and communicating through reasoning, logical thinking, and problem-solving.
Teachers will:
- Plan opportunities for students to develop an appreciation of the beauty of mathematics as well as a sense of enjoyment and curiosity for the subject;
- Appropriately use the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to enable students to explore mathematics using structured imagery and apparatus in order to understand and explain mathematical concepts;
- Rigorously teach and reinforce basic arithmetic skills to ensure mathematical fluency and automaticity;
- Model and provide opportunities for students to communicate confidently and fluently [with a secure sense of number] to explore relationships and generalise;
- Plan high-quality provision that excites, challenges and requires deep thinking through contextual variation of task;
- Model a positive attitude to mathematics and equip students with the confidence and resilience to take risks and persist;
- Provide opportunities for students to make rich connections across the areas of mathematics and use their knowledge across other subjects in the curriculum;
- Ensure that students are able to calculate accurately and efficiently, knowing when a mental strategy, jottings or a formal written method is appropriate;
- Model how to communicate mathematically using the correct vocabulary, diagrams and statistical graphs to explain their thinking where appropriate applying logical and critical thinking;
- Use questioning to: probe thinking, challenge, extend upon given answers, clarify, assess and support generalisation.
Students will:
- Make good progress from their starting points and achieve well;
- Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions;
- Use mathematics confidently in their everyday life to have choices, plan and make decisions and to operate successfully in our world. This will ensure that our students are well-prepared for the world of work and further study;
- Have a good understanding of mathematics and use it to help them to secure employment using digital technology where appropriate.
Name | Contact |
Mrs L Kelly (HoF) | |
Mrs A Rus | |
Mrs K Hardey | |
Mrs L Louw | |
Miss D Roberston | |
Miss R Payne | |
Mr S Blake | |
Mrs T Shah | |
Mrs R Olufemi | |
Mrs O Jaiyeoba | |
Miss E Bolt | |
Miss C Locke | |
Mrs J Cox | |
Copies of GCSE exam papers on this subject can be found below. Please click on the title of each past paper to download, view and complete these. Be sure to review them for valuable practice and insight into the exam format.