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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best

Inspirational Reading for Parents and Carers

The role parents and carers play in their child’s development is hugely valued here at The Gateway Academy.  We work to try and give you as much information and support as possible.  Here are a few books that could give you some food for thought.  Enjoy reading!!

Growth Mindset and Wellbeing


By Dr Carol Dweck



The Last Word on Power By Tracy Goss



Daring Greatly
By Brene Brown



The End of Average
By Todd Rose


10 Things Girls Need Most By Steve Biddulph



Five Deep Breaths The Power of Mindful Parenting
By Dr Genevieve Von Lob



Good Strategy
By Richard Rumelt



Raising Boys
By Steve Biddulph



Literacy and Numeracy


The Secret of Literacy
By David Didau



Raising Kids Who Read By Daniel Willingham



Reading Reconsidered
By Doug Lemov




Problem-Solving 101
By Ken Watanabe



How Not To Be Wrong
By Jordan Ellenberg



Mathematical Mindsets
By Jo Boaler & Carol Dwerk