Curriculum Overview
Drama teaches students about cooperation and team work, responsibility and self-discipline. By regularly presenting their ideas to their peers, students become more inclusive, more confident and more effective communicators.
Students are encouraged to develop their imaginative and creative skills through practical exploration of various stimuli, themes and stories, as well as classic and modern play texts.
The Drama Studios are based on traditional and adaptable performance spaces, with access to lighting and sound facilities. More advanced facilities are available in the Ellis Theatre, which students that take an active interest in technical theatre can be trained in.
Drama develops self-discipline, imagination, commitment, confidence and critical thinking.
Teachers will:
- Plan and deliver lessons to develop the skills necessary to produce original work as students explore their ideas creatively;
- Ensure the curriculum is focused on the progression and continuity of skills over time to help students to develop vocal and movement skills to become confident communicators both verbally and non-verbally
- Promote imagination and independence through carefully planned tasks and groupings;
- Provide frequent opportunities to talk about art, demonstrating an increasingly sophisticated use of technical language and articulating an understanding that there are no rules in Drama, but students must be able to justify their thought process;
- Provide opportunities for students to learn to talk critically about the approaches and skills and techniques of genres, styles and practitioners and to apply these in their own work;
- Expose students to the work of styles, form, playwrights and practitioners that equally represent the racial mix that characterises the UK as well as artists from now and the past and from the UK and across the world;
- Plan the curriculum to ensure the delivery of every student’s entitlement to extra-curricular opportunities both in school and in the community, as well as accessing the world of theatre through digital means;
- Celebrate students’ work through classroom displays, school performances, Gateway Times and competitions throughout the GLC and the wider community;
- Provide opportunities for students to work in groups to foster confidence and creativity;
- Put students at the core of all our work and aim to foster a sense of enjoyment and fun;
- Develop imagination, commitment, creative thinking and self-discipline;
- Have a strong inclusive ethos, extended to all students in a positive, supportive environment;
- Have a broad artistic appreciation and offer a variety of opportunities that enable every student to excel;
- Strive towards inspirational, engaging and high-achieving work in the Dramatic Arts through respect, trust and professionalism.
Students will:
- Be able to articulate a knowledge and appreciation of Drama in many forms, styles and contexts;
- Be able to produce Drama works with skill and creativity justifying the theatrical intention underpinning the work;
- Have a lifelong interest in Drama.
Name | Contact |
Mrs K Kitsiou (HoD) | kate.kitsiou@theglc.org.uk |
Miss L Rowe | louise.rowe@theglc.org.uk |
Copies of GCSE exam papers on this subject can be found below. Please click on the title of each past paper to download, view and complete these. Be sure to review them for valuable practice and insight into the exam format.