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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best

Latest News


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  • Welcome Letter to Year 6-7

    Published 05/03/24

    Welcome to what will be our new Year 7s.  Please have a look at the attached letter.

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  • Year 11 GCSE Summer Timetable [Tuesday 05 May - Thursday 20 June 2024]

    Published 15/02/24

    Please take a look at the Year 11 GCSE Summer Timetable 2024

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  • Gateway Times Issue 6 - February 2024

    Published 13/02/24

    Please check out our February 2024 Parents/Carers Newsletter

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  • Gateway Academy awarded a Gold Arts Mark

    Published 10/01/24

    The Gateway Academy was recently awarded a Gold Artsmark by the Arts Council, England.  Receiving a Gold Artsmark is a significant achievement that highlights a strong commitment to excellence and innovation in arts education.  This award reflects dedicated efforts to nurture creativity, supports talent and fosters a lively arts culture within The Gateway Academy.

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  • Gateway Academy's Teacher Recruitment Fair: Tuesday 14 November 2023

    Published 07/11/23

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  • Gateway Times Issue 3 - October 2023

    Published 26/10/23

    Check out our October 2023 parent newsletter.

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  • Gateway Times Issue 2 - October 2023

    Published 11/10/23

    Check out our October 2023 parent newsletter.

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  • Gateway Times 1ssue 1 - September 2023

    Published 27/09/23

    Check out our September 2023 parent newsletter.

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  • Students achieved some of the highest GCSE results in the history of the Gateway Academy.

    Published 24/08/23

    After an extraordinary educational journey, today marked a very special day for our Year 11 students and the whole Gateway Learning Community as our students achieved some of the highest results in the history of the Gateway Academy. 

    With English, Maths and Science all performing higher than national average, overall results in-line with schools nationally and many of our students making exceptional progress and achieving outstanding results.

    Headteacher Grainne McLaughlin thanked the students for their wonderful contribution to the Academy and knows they will go on to do great things in the future.  

    ‘I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our Year 11 cohort from 2023 for everything they have achieved throughout their time with us. I am proud of each and every student and will be forever in awe at the support they provided to each other and the whole school community following the tragic death of one of our own students, Kayla Ere in March. An absolutely inspiring year group who make working in a school a complete privilege.’

    Mrs McLaughlin also thanked an extraordinary group of staff and parents/carers who support our students and a fantastic academy community.

    The GLC’s CEO, Mrs Viki Reid said:

    ‘I am incredibly proud of all our Year 11 students who have achieved excellent GCSE results. This is testament to their hard work and resilience, the commitment and skill of their fantastic teachers and the inspirational leadership of Mrs McLaughlin and her team. I wish them every success for their future.’

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  • GLC Parent Newsletter #6 Summer 2

    Published 19/07/23

    Take a look at what has been going on across the Gateway Learning Community throughout Summer 2. 

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  • Your child's report, what to expect...

    Published 14/07/23

    Press play below to view the short video explaining the different aspects of your child's report.  Reports will be sent home with your child this week. 



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  • Gateway Times Issue 10 - June 2023

    Published 07/07/23

    Check out our June 2023 parent newsletter.

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