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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best

Parental Support regarding SEND

What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs? 

A child or young individual is considered to have Special Educational Needs (SEN) if they experience a learning difficulty or disability that necessitates tailored educational support. In the case of a child of compulsory school age or a young person, a learning difficulty or disability can be defined as follows:

1. They exhibit a significantly greater challenge in learning compared to the majority of others their age.

2. They have a disability that obstructs their ability to utilise educational resources typically provided for others their age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

At Gateway Academy, we foster collaboration between our staff and parents/carers to assist students identified as having SEN. Regular parents' evenings serve as opportunities for discussing concerns and monitoring progress. Additionally, parents/carers can request appointments as needed, including those related to special educational needs.

What should I do if the school and I disagree? 

If a parent wishes to complain about the provision or the policy, they should, in the first instance, raise it with the SEND team, who will try to resolve the situation. If the issue cannot be resolved, the parent can submit a formal complaint to the Headteacher following the complaint's procedure. Please email Mrs L Hunt in the first instance: 

Further Support

Further information about other services in Thurrock can be found by following the link to Thurrock Council SEND Local offer: 

The Parent Advisory Team Thurrock: 

Special Educational Needs & Disability Advisory & Support Service 

Special educational support needs for parents:




Speech, Language and Communication

Emotional and Mental Health